We charge a flat rate to fix any computer that is repairable. This charge covers software only and you must retain a valid serial number for the machine that is being repaired for when we need to reinstall the system.
We will make a best attempt to get the machine running enough to backup your data to a removable drive or even remove your hard drive and we will back it up on another machine before doing a system wipe. We will not go through your data or filter said data. We will simply copy data to a drive or cloud for you to later find your files on.
It is fully expected that each computer repair we do will involve a complete wipe of the machine in order to return the machine to perfect working order. It is recommended that a system wipe be done every 6 months to a year in many situations regardless, so If it has been several years, then it needs to be done, regardless of the severity of the issue, that is our stance. If you don't want the machine wiped we can do a best attempt at making the machine usable for you but we can not offer any guarantee or warranty on our repairs if you choose to not wipe your system. It is the customers responsibility to reinstall their software after repair. We can walk you through re installation and perform re installation of your software at an hourly rate if you provide serial numbers, discs, password, etc.
Customer must also provide a USB memory stick or some such external storage device with enough storage space for us to store you backup files on if you want your file backed up or we can upload your data to a cloud of your choosing. We make no guarantee that your data will be successfully or 100% retrieved.
We can even upgrade the machine that we are repairing to the latest edition of it's operating system if you would like. And this is an option we would highly recommend in most situations. Customer is responsible for any upgrade costs for their system and must supply purchased product or serial for product before the repair is performed.
If you merely require tech support or IT guidance we will provide up to one hour of service for each quantity of product purchased. If a site visit is required then travel time is deducted for time. Service can be completed via phone, chat, or remote desktop support.
PC Repair or Tech Support
- Product Code: pcrepair001